Web3 For Girls

Coming Soon!

Learning Model

Self-directed learning for 9 weeks + 10th-week Capstone project presentation.

  • A fixed set of 5 modules to go through at the same starting point. Students are free to advance as quickly as they want.

  • Optional modules at the back for students to go through if they have completed the fixed set of modules

Learning Outcomes

Encourage the girls to learn and grow as far as they can go in the area of Web3, namely to

  • Understand a business problem.

  • Learn about the evolution of the Web, digital assets, distributed ledgers, smart contracts, consensus algorithms, dApps, cryptocurrencies and NFTs.

  • Understand how to build a prototype dApp on the Ethereum blockchain and write smart contracts in Solidity.

  • Appreciate the opportunities and challenges of applying Web3 in real life.


  • Introduction to Web3 and its components.

  • Set up your private blockchain.

  • Write smart contacts in Solidity and prototype a dAPP.

  • Understand blockchain architecture and decentralised file management.

  • Add an Ethereum wallet and transfer digital assets

  • (Optional) Work with non-fungible tokens (NFTs)

  • Capstone project